You Know You Watch Too Much Yu Yu Hakusho When...
You have random dreams about the show and its characters.
You can play out whole episodes.
You try to act like one of the characters all day.
You hide a rose in your hair and randomly whip it out and hit people w/ it, screaming, "ROSE WHIP!!!"
You scour the internet for everything and everything YYH, illegal or not. (heh....)
You find yourself staring out the window, like Hiei.
Your parents are starting to worry that you're "Obsessed"
Your parents mistake you for a character from the show.
You say "Anata wa baka ningen desu." and when someone asks what it means, you say, "You are a baka ningen," b/c you are entirely fluent with those words...
You can play some of the songs on the piano, like wild wind, soldier of love, and such....and you figured them out by yourself, no internet song sheets or anything.
You learned japanese after seeing YYH...subtitles are annoying
Everything you see makes you wanna write a fan fic of YYH.
If somthing starts with a "Y" and you need to spell it, instead you start writing "Yu Yu Hakusho"
You start looking for YYH character shaped clouds
You start looking for groups of stars that resemble YYH caharacters
You know how to sing the Japanese songs from the show, but you can't speak japanese
YYH made you start to learn Japanese
You "Hn" ALOT
You always try to be kind and curteous, like Kurama!
If you're writing a regular story, you usually end up sticking a YYH "chara" in it (eg. Someone who acts like Hiei alot)
You're writing a regular story but somehow it just turns into a fan fic.
You are mad when people pronounce Hiei wrong or spell Youko wrong.
You've decorated your locker and school supplies with YYH pictures.
You named your computer after a character from the show.
You've emailed Hiei or Kurama more than one question.
You're going to cosplay someone from YYH.
You've already cosplayed someone from YYH
You've remixed some YYH music
You've sung a YYH song for the school talent show
You write parodies of other songs about YYH
You can do an accurate impression of someone from YYH
You named your iPod after something from the show
You named a pet after something from the show